CFP: HLBLL’s 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference


Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

Dates: April 24-25, 2015

Location: The Graduate Center, CUNY (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016)

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University), Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2015

From problems of authorship or interpretation in translation to the adaptation of a literary text, linguistic encounters in dynamic social and cultural contexts, migratory and geographical displacement and the reterritorialization of identity, and even innovative theoretical analyses of conventional or canonical objects of study: in all these cases (which are relevant to our academic discussions) the theme of “relocation” is paramount. In the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages program at the City University of New York we consider it an opportune moment to rethink and reflect on these issues that not only open new theoretical doors but also revive and recontextualize older polemics.

It is this active and ever-changing context that surrounds our program’s twentieth annual Students’ Congress, which will present and debate situations in which movement, contact, change, or negotiation are crucial. Since linguistic and cultural encounters are illustrative of the majority of social and political problems today, we must employ our methodological tools of analysis to try to understand the mechanisms of relocation at play.

Possible areas of investigation:

-Translation and paratranslation studies

-Intermediality: Audio/Visual/Textual

-Narratives of exile, migration, and return

-Politics of the canon

-Postmemory and narratives of the second generation

-Languages and identities

-Ideologies of language

-Redefinitions of linguistic paradigms

-New theoretical approaches

-Transatlantic studies

-Genre literature and its porosity and intersections.

We invite abstracts (250 words) on topics related to these areas of research and others that may relate tangentially, as well as a list of five key words. Please email abstracts by January 31, 2015, to: [email protected]


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