Jennifer Prince (left) and Christina Nadler at the Excellence in Leadership Awards luncheon, May 13, 2016.
On Friday, May 13th, Jennifer Prince was awarded with a CUNY Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Leadership. Two students from each CUNY college are chosen to receive the award each year. The award was presented at a luncheon ceremony at the Great Hall at City College.
Jen is a PhD candidate in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages and a Program Social Media Fellow in her sixth year as a Graduate Center student. She is writing her dissertation—under the supervision of Professor Paul Julian Smith–on representations of the Spanish Civil War in multi-generic texts written by American and Spanish women.
For the HLBLL program, Jen was one of three organizers of the 18th Annual Graduate Student Conference. She also has been a member of standing and ad-hoc committees on faculty membership, social media, and alumni engagement. For two years she served as HLBLL’s elected representative to the Graduate Center’s Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC).

Jennifer Prince (right) and Christina Nadler after receiving their Excellence in Leadership Awards, May 13, 2016.
Jen is a four-year member of the DSC—two years as a program representative and two as an at-large representative. She has been elected to serve as an at-large representative for the 2016-2017 school year. Currently, Jen is in her second year elected as the Co-Chair for Business of the DSC. Prior to being elected co-chair, Jen also was elected to the DSC’s Steering Committee and served as Officer for Health and Wellness for one year. Within the DSC, Jen was a member of several committees, including the Governance Task Force, the Grants Committee, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, the Knowledge Grants Committee, and the Health and Wellness Committee. She is currently co-chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Tuition Remission.
Outside of her commitments to her program and to the DSC, Jen also has been a member of the Graduate Council’s committees for Information Technology and for Library. She currently serves on the Auxiliary Enterprise Board and the College Association, and was a student member of the Strategic Plan’s Finance Task Force during the current school year. She also participated as a member on the search committees for the Vice President for Communications and External Affairs and for the Provost.
The other student recipient of the award in 2015-2016 was Christina Nadler, a PhD candidate in Sociology.