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Antiracist pedagogy in the language classroom? Sure, but why, how?! This presentation explores how the inclusion of sociolinguistics content in a language classroom plays a role in developing explicit antiracist linguistic awareness and how this awareness influences motivation and linguistic proficiency. Departing from an epistemological perspective rooted in critical applied linguistics, a longitudinal study with qualitative and quantitative components was carried out with advanced students of Spanish as a second language within a content-based instructional model. This presentation will focus on how integrating contents related to the sociopolitical dimension of language influenced linguistic awareness and motivation. Moreover, examples of how to integrate these contents in daily instruction will be presented.
Raised in Alcorcón, Madrid, and a long-time resident of Brooklyn, Dr. José Magro comes to us with a rich background as an international Spanish Hip-Hop artist and educator. His primary areas of research are sociolinguistics, critical applied linguistics, language and identity, language ideologies, glotopolitics, translation, bilingualism, Spanish as a heritage language in the USA, mixed-methodologies, and, very particularly, Hip-Hop and explicitly anti-racist pedagogies. His work as an artist has been published and featured worldwide. As a Hip-Hop educator, his work has been featured in The Huffington Post, and as a scholar his latest publications are: Talking Hip-Hop: When stigmatized language varieties become prestige varieties (Linguistics and Education, 2016), Aplicación de la Teoría Crítica de Raza en la organización y representación del conocimiento (Mártinez-Avila, Ferrera, Magro, SCIRE, 2015), and Cine infantil, doblaje e iconización: Traduciendo el cómo enseñar a los niños a discriminar (LARR, 2017 in proc.) He is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park where he teaches Translation, Sociolinguistics, and Spanish.