Sep 15

CFP: Rutgers University Program in Comparative Literature 2016 Conference

Urban (De)Coloniality and Literature

The Comparative Literature Program at Rutgers University

Deadline for Abstracts: December 1, 2015

Conference Dates: March 3, 2016

Conference Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey

Keynote Speaker: José David Saldívar, Stanford University

Rutgers 1

From the conference organizers:

The biennial graduate student conference at the Rutgers University Program in Comparative Literature seeks to relate the theoretical production of decolonial thought with other critical discourses in the global academy. The conference invites participants to think about (de)coloniality beyond the geographical limit of the Americas, the temporal constraint of modernity, and the monolingualism of hegemonic languages and dominant disciplinary frameworks. The conference aims to address the following questions, among others: What knowledges do Ethnic Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Area Studies outside of Latin American and Caribbean Studies bring to Decolonial Studies? How does literature, especially fiction, and visual arts become a resource for decoloniality? How does (de)coloniality question the meaning and method of comparativity? In which ways does decolonial thought illuminate global configurations of urban life and culture?

Graduate students interested in presenting their research at Urban (De)Coloniality and Literature are asked to submit an abstract of 300 words or less addressing the conference theme.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

*    Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality.
*    Dialogues across African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian Studies.
*    Global Urbanism, the Coloniality of the City, and De-Westernization.
*    Gentrification, Racial Segregation, and the Prison-Industrial Complex.
*    Feminist and Queer approaches to (De)Coloniality.
*    Genres of the Human in Theory and Literature.
*    Religion and Empire in the Modern/Colonial World.
*    (De)Coloniality and World Literature, Cinema and other Media.
*    Bridging Comparative Literature, Comparative Philosophy, and Comparative Political Theory.

The deadline for paper proposals is 11:59 PM on December 1st, 2015. Please e-mail all proposals to Conference Co-Chair Rafael Vizcaino (Rafael.Vizcaino [at] rutgers [dot] edu), with “Submission: CL Graduate Conference 2016” as the subject of the e-mail. All submissions should include the title of the paper, the abstract, and the name, affiliation, and contact information of the author.

More information about the conference can be found on their website.

Rutgers 2

Apr 15

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Student Conference is April 24th and 25th

Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

The 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages


20th Annual Student Conference Poster

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference is Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th, 2015.

The Graduate Center, CUNY.
365 Fifth Ave.
NYC, NY 10016

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University) “Brazilian transitional justice, indigenous struggles, and the Amazon” (Friday, April 24, Segal Theater, 6pm)
Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) “Languages and Identities Beyond Borders” (Saturday, April 25th, Room 5414, 2:45pm)
View the complete conference program here.

The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Annual Student Conference is celebrating 20 years of excellence in graduate student scholarly work.


Many thanks to the conference organizing team for their dedication in creating an extraordinary 20th year:
José Chavarry
Ulises Gonzales
Luis Henao Uribe
Kristina Jacobs
Inés Vañó García
Sara Cordón
John Flanagan

Dec 14

CFP: First International Conference on the Historical Links Between USA and Spain

Links USA Spain Conference

Deadline for Abstracts: Extended to January 15th, 2015

Conference Dates: April 9-11, 2015

Conference Location: Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain

From the conference organizers:

The study of the historical links between USA and Spain is of vital importance for the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Furthermore, the present and future of these two countries is marked and determined by unbreakable cultural and economic ties. The current globalizing trends cannot be understood or analyzed outside of the framework of these connections.The City College of New York Division of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá seek papers from a broad range of disciplines and areas of study with a special emphasis in interdisciplinary approaches to the historical links between USA and Spain.

The main goal of the conference is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to these topics, to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The conference will be organized in sections with different section coordinators. Papers on the following topics will be prioritized:

  1. Colonial & Post Colonial Studies. Coordinator: Juan Carlos Mercado.
  2. Education and Cultural Links. Coordinator: Lorenzo Delgado.
  3. Foreign Policy. Coordinator: Rosa Pardo.
  4. Science & Technology. Coordinator: Santiago López.
  5. Economics & Global firms. Coordinator: Julio Tascón & Misael Arturo López-Zapico.
  6. Military Relations. Coordinator: Federico Aznar.

Dec 14

CFP: University of Arizona’s 25th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium

“Memory, Resistance, and Social Communication past to present”

Deadline for Submissions: January 13, 2015

Conference Dates: February 26, 27, and 28, 2015

Conference Location: University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Anthony Geist (University of Washington), Dr. José Camacho (Rutgers University)

From the Symposium Committee:

The Symposium Committee is pleased to invite all interested graduate students, scholars and professionals to submit abstracts and panel proposals for the 25th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. This year the Symposium Committee is honored to welcome Dr. Anthony Geist from the University of Washington and Dr. Jose Camacho from Rutgers University as keynote speakers.

As we explore memory, resistance, and social communication from various perspectives and disciplines, the Symposium Committee encourages the submission of papers and panels on a variety of topics and disciplines that explore language, literature, linguistics, protest, and culture. Submissions from the fields of literatures and cultures, linguistics, the digital humanities, and pedagogy are invited from all periods and areas of Iberian, Spanish-American, Latin American, and Luso-Brazilian studies. The committee will also consider panel proposals for sessions organized around a specific topic. Short-films and creative pieces, including digital works, authored by the presenters themselves are also welcome. Papers may be presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Paper Proposals: Please submit an abstract of approximately 250 words in English, Spanish, or Portuguese via email as an attachment to [email protected] by January 13, 2015.

Panel Proposals: Please submit a description of the panel focus in 100 words or less, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, as well as an abstract from the individual panel participants via email as an attachment to [email protected] by January 13, 2015. Panels should have 3-5 participants.

In the body of the email, please specify your name, phone number, e-mail, title of the presentation, academic affiliation, and if audiovisual equipment will be needed for your presentation. Reading time of final papers is limited to 20 minutes (6-8 double-spaced pages). No papers will be read in absentia.

Acceptance will be confirmed no later than January 23, 2014. Registration is $30 and must be paid on-site. In addition, we encourage you to visit our website for more information: http://symposium.spanish.arizona.edu

Nov 14

Our 20th Annual Conference Keynote Speakers

Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

The keynote speakers for our 20th annual conference are Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) and Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University).

Dr. Jonathan Rosa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. At UMass he holds affiliations with the Language, Literacy, and Culture Concentration in the College of Education and the Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o Studies. Dr. Rosa’s research theorizes the co-naturalization of language and race as a way of apprehending modes of societal exclusion and inclusion across institutional domains. Specifically, he analyzes the interplay between linguistic discrimination, racial marginalization, and educational inequality in urban contexts. He collaborate with local communities to track these phenomena and develop tools for understanding and eradicating the forms of disparity to which they correspond. His community-based approach to research, teaching, and service reflects a vision of scholarship as a platform for imagining and enacting more just societies. Dr. Rosa received his B.A. in Linguistics and Education from Swarthmore College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Idelber Avelar is a Full Professor specialized in contemporary Latin American fiction, literary theory, and Cultural Studies. He received his Ph.D. from Duke University in 1996 and joined Tulane in 1999. His latest books are Figuras da Violência: Ensaios sobre Ética, Narrativa e Música Popular (UFMG, 2011) and, coedited with Christopher Dunn, Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship (Duke UP, 2011). He is also the author of The Letter of Violence: Essays on Narrative, Ethics, and Politics (Palgrave, 2004) and  The Untimely Present: Postdictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning  (Duke UP, 1999), winner of the MLA Kovacs prize and  translated into Spanish and Portuguese. He has also published over 60 articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes, and over 100 position pieces in Latin American print and electronic media. He was the winner of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry essay contest on Machado de Assis and has been the recipient of Rockefeller, Hewlett, and Ford Foundation grants. He has been a guest lecturer in 15 countries and dozens of US institutions of higher learning, including Yale, Brown, Princeton, Stanford, Duke, NYU, Berkeley, Columbia, and the Universities of Michigan, Pittsburgh, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, and New Mexico, among others. He is currently working on a book on masculinity in Latin American literature, for which he was awarded an ACLS fellowship in 2011.

Dr. Avelar will present “Brazilian transitional justice, indigenous struggles, and the Amazon” on Friday, April 24 and Dr. Rosa will present “Languages and Identities Beyond Borders” on Saturday, April 25.

Oct 14

Stony Brook University’s Latino Pedagogies Conference

This Friday, October 17th, Stony Brook University invites you to attend their conference: Latino Pedagogies: Theorizing a Transnational Experience.

Stony Brook Conference

The conference schedule is as follows:


Opening Remarks


U.S. Latino/a Poems as Social Media: A Performalist Pedagogy

Urayoán Noel, New York University


Sociolinguistic Perspectives on the Construction of Latinidad: Language and the Classification of Latina/os in the US Census

Jennifer Leeman, George Mason University


Pedagogies of the Brown Queer

Richard T. Rodríguez, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

1:00-2:30 Lunch


Grey’s (Multi-ethnic) Anatomy:

A Corazón Abierto and the Racial Politics of Format Adaptation

Yeidy Rivero, University of Michigan


Circuits of the Sacred: Preliminary Thoughts on Eros, Spirit and Pedagogy
Carlos Ulises Decena, Rutgers University


Aquí y Allá: Transnational Ties, Gender, and Latino Immigrant Health

Carmela Alcántara, Columbia University Medical Center.


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