Apr 15

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Student Conference is April 24th and 25th

Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

The 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages


20th Annual Student Conference Poster

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference is Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th, 2015.

The Graduate Center, CUNY.
365 Fifth Ave.
NYC, NY 10016

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University) “Brazilian transitional justice, indigenous struggles, and the Amazon” (Friday, April 24, Segal Theater, 6pm)
Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) “Languages and Identities Beyond Borders” (Saturday, April 25th, Room 5414, 2:45pm)
View the complete conference program here.

The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Annual Student Conference is celebrating 20 years of excellence in graduate student scholarly work.


Many thanks to the conference organizing team for their dedication in creating an extraordinary 20th year:
José Chavarry
Ulises Gonzales
Luis Henao Uribe
Kristina Jacobs
Inés Vañó García
Sara Cordón
John Flanagan

Apr 15

Fall 2015 Course Listings



SPAN 70100 – El español como objeto de interés histórico
GC: Tuesday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. del Valle

SPAN 70200 – Hispanic Critical & Cultural Theory
GC: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Zavala

SPAN 70500 – Spanish Syntax
GC: Tuesday, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Otheguy
(cross-listed with LING 79100)

SPAN 87000 – Neo-Baroque Continuities & Ruptures in Cuban & Mexican Literatures
GC: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Riobó

SPAN 87100 – In-Between Worlds & Tradition: Rereading the “Crónicas de Indias”
GC: Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Chang-Rodríguez

SPAN 87200 – The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar and Guillermo del Toro
GC: Wednesday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Smith

SPAN 87300 – Políticas de la Lengua y Culturas de Transición en España (1975-2015)
GC: Friday, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. José del Valle & Prof. Germán Labrador

SPAN 87400 – Asaltos a la biblioteca: Scenes of Reading in Latin America
GC: Monday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Degiovanni


SPAN 87200 – Reflexiones en torno a una piedra
GC: Monday, 10/5/2015 – Thursday, 10/8/2015, 1:30-4:00 p.m.,
Rm. 4116.18, 1 credit, Prof. Bernardo Atxaga (Atxaga Chair)

SPAN 87200 – Economia política, estructura de la comunicación y sociolingüistica del Catalán
GC: Monday, 9/28/2015, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, 9/29/2015, 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m., Wednesday, 9/30/2015 & Thursday, 10/1/2015, 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Rm. 4116.18, 1 credit, Prof. Toni Molla (Rodoreda Chair)


SPAN 88800 – Dissertation Workshop
GC: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 0 credit, Prof. Degiovanni

Apr 15

A Peek Inside the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages

The Graduate Center’s Videography Fellows have produced this peek inside our PhD program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages. Learn what HLBLL is like from the perspective of its professors and students.

Many thanks to Amanda Matles and the GC’s Videography Fellows program for the production of this video.

Feb 15

CFP: LL Journal Vol. 10, No. 1


ll journal convoc

Volumen 10 Número 1

Fecha límite: viernes, 13 de marzo

Sobre el Journal: LL Journal publica trabajos sobre literatura, estudios culturales y de género; y sobre lingüística aplicada, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística, relacionados con los mundos hispanos y luso-brasileros.

En este número se abre una sección de poesía y narrativa.

Cómo enviar sus textos: Todos los trabajos deberán respetar las orientaciones propuestas en las Directrices para autores (https://lljournal.commons.gc.cuny.edu/directrices-es/).

Envíen sus textos al correo electrónico del Journal[email protected]. Para mantener el anonimato, se incluirán los datos personales en el cuerpo del email, mientras que el trabajo adjunto no estará firmado y carecerá de cualquier indicación de autoría. Si desean, pueden adjuntar imágenes.

Más información en la página web del LL Journal.
¡Anímense a enviar sus textos!

Nov 14

Our 20th Annual Conference Keynote Speakers

Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

The keynote speakers for our 20th annual conference are Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) and Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University).

Dr. Jonathan Rosa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. At UMass he holds affiliations with the Language, Literacy, and Culture Concentration in the College of Education and the Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o Studies. Dr. Rosa’s research theorizes the co-naturalization of language and race as a way of apprehending modes of societal exclusion and inclusion across institutional domains. Specifically, he analyzes the interplay between linguistic discrimination, racial marginalization, and educational inequality in urban contexts. He collaborate with local communities to track these phenomena and develop tools for understanding and eradicating the forms of disparity to which they correspond. His community-based approach to research, teaching, and service reflects a vision of scholarship as a platform for imagining and enacting more just societies. Dr. Rosa received his B.A. in Linguistics and Education from Swarthmore College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago.

Dr. Idelber Avelar is a Full Professor specialized in contemporary Latin American fiction, literary theory, and Cultural Studies. He received his Ph.D. from Duke University in 1996 and joined Tulane in 1999. His latest books are Figuras da Violência: Ensaios sobre Ética, Narrativa e Música Popular (UFMG, 2011) and, coedited with Christopher Dunn, Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship (Duke UP, 2011). He is also the author of The Letter of Violence: Essays on Narrative, Ethics, and Politics (Palgrave, 2004) and  The Untimely Present: Postdictatorial Latin American Fiction and the Task of Mourning  (Duke UP, 1999), winner of the MLA Kovacs prize and  translated into Spanish and Portuguese. He has also published over 60 articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes, and over 100 position pieces in Latin American print and electronic media. He was the winner of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry essay contest on Machado de Assis and has been the recipient of Rockefeller, Hewlett, and Ford Foundation grants. He has been a guest lecturer in 15 countries and dozens of US institutions of higher learning, including Yale, Brown, Princeton, Stanford, Duke, NYU, Berkeley, Columbia, and the Universities of Michigan, Pittsburgh, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, and New Mexico, among others. He is currently working on a book on masculinity in Latin American literature, for which he was awarded an ACLS fellowship in 2011.

Dr. Avelar will present “Brazilian transitional justice, indigenous struggles, and the Amazon” on Friday, April 24 and Dr. Rosa will present “Languages and Identities Beyond Borders” on Saturday, April 25.

Nov 14

HLBLL Alumna and Current Student Published in New Book

This month a recent alumna and current student of the GC’s Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Program were published in a new book: El Atlántico como frontera: Mediaciones culturales entre Cuba y España (Editorial Verbum), edited by Damaris Puñales Alpízar.

Current student Walfrido Dorta published “Negociaciones en el devocionario: Juan Ramón Jiménez y los origenistas” and recent alumna Mabel Cuesta‘s contribution is titled “El vaso Mare Altanticum o algunas estrategias para desmantelar la neocolonialización en la narrativa de Mylene Fernández Pintado.”

Congratulations to both of you. HLBLL is so proud of your hard work and accomplishments!

El atlantico como frontera

Nov 14

Fernando Degiovanni Presents in Buenos Aires

On Friday, November 14th, Professor Fernando Degiovanni presented Una patria literaria, the first volume of Historia crítica de la literatura argentina at the Museo Casa de Ricardo Rojas in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

literatura argentina


Read about the presentation here.

Nov 14

CFP: HLBLL’s 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference


Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

Dates: April 24-25, 2015

Location: The Graduate Center, CUNY (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016)

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University), Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2015

From problems of authorship or interpretation in translation to the adaptation of a literary text, linguistic encounters in dynamic social and cultural contexts, migratory and geographical displacement and the reterritorialization of identity, and even innovative theoretical analyses of conventional or canonical objects of study: in all these cases (which are relevant to our academic discussions) the theme of “relocation” is paramount. In the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages program at the City University of New York we consider it an opportune moment to rethink and reflect on these issues that not only open new theoretical doors but also revive and recontextualize older polemics.

It is this active and ever-changing context that surrounds our program’s twentieth annual Students’ Congress, which will present and debate situations in which movement, contact, change, or negotiation are crucial. Since linguistic and cultural encounters are illustrative of the majority of social and political problems today, we must employ our methodological tools of analysis to try to understand the mechanisms of relocation at play.

Possible areas of investigation:

-Translation and paratranslation studies

-Intermediality: Audio/Visual/Textual

-Narratives of exile, migration, and return

-Politics of the canon

-Postmemory and narratives of the second generation

-Languages and identities

-Ideologies of language

-Redefinitions of linguistic paradigms

-New theoretical approaches

-Transatlantic studies

-Genre literature and its porosity and intersections.

We invite abstracts (250 words) on topics related to these areas of research and others that may relate tangentially, as well as a list of five key words. Please email abstracts by January 31, 2015, to: [email protected]


Sep 14

LL Journal – Call for Papers for Fall 2014 Edition


LL Journal publicará su próximo ejemplar en el otoño del 2014.

Invitamos a la colaboración de todos. LL es una revista electrónica cuyo cometido es promover y difundir la investigación en materias relacionadas con los ámbitos hispánico y luso-brasileño. Nuestra revista pretende ser un foro de reflexión multidisciplinaria donde se den a conocer aportaciones relevantes y de calidad en cada campo de estudio. LL publica trabajos originales en forma de artículos, reseñas y notas sobre áreas de literatura, historia cultural, cine y artes visuales, estudios culturales y de género; y sobre lingüística aplicada, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística.

Esperamos recibir trabajos sobre cualquiera de estas áreas de estudio. Los trabajos deberán respetar las orientaciones propuestas en las Normas para autores/as que aparecen en la página web de la revista. LL publica trabajos en español, portugués e inglés. Eventualmente, el equipo editorial considerará para su publicación trabajos en otros idiomas.

Los trabajos se pueden enviar de dos maneras:

1) Registrándose como autor/a en la página web de la revista (lljournal.gc.cuny.edu;). Es recomendable ver la Guía para autores perplejos (en inglés).

2) Se podrán enviar por correo electrónico al equipo editorial ([email protected]). En este caso, para mantener el anonimato, se incluirán los datos personales en el cuerpo del email, mientras que el trabajo adjunto no estará firmado y carecerá de cualquier indicación de autoría.

Para el número de otoño del 2014, se aceptarán trabajos hasta el 10 de octubre.

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