Feb 17

Call for Papers: LL Journal’s Vol. 12, No. 1

Updated! The editors of the LL Journal have extended the deadline for submissions to March 25, 2017!

The LL Journal is a publication of the students of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages PhD program at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Find out more about the LL Journal and browse their most recent issue (Vol. 11, No. 2) and archives on their Commons site.


Recibimos trabajos originales en español, inglés o portugués, sobre literatura, estudios culturales, visuales y de género, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística que se relacionen con los mundos hispanos y luso-brasileños.

Envíos a lljournal[dot]cuny[at]gmail[dot]com.

And be sure to check out the LL Journal on Facebook and Twitter!

Nov 16

CFP: 22nd Annual HLBLL Graduate Student Conference

Over the Wall/Saltar el muro:
Compromiso público y academia/Public Engagement & Academia

The PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso Brazilian Literatures and Languages

invites abstract submissions for its

XXII Annual Graduate Student Conference

Conference Dates: April 27-28, 2017.
Keynote Speakers: Lydia Otero (University of Arizona) and Ariana Mangual Figueroa (Rutgers University)

Deadline for Abstracts: January 15, 2017


The information below has been provided by the organizing committee of the 22nd Annual HLBLL Graduate Student Conference.

Over the Wall/Saltar el muro:
Compromiso público y academia/Public Engagement & Academia

In current debates, the idea of a wall becomes a point of discussion from which to explore the relationship between public engagement and academia. Are the walls that separate intellectual, linguistic, artistic, social, and political practices insurmountable? What other metaphors of the wall speak to us? How do we imagine these metaphors and what forms do they take? Who constructs them and who challenges them? When are they useful and when are they not? How do we cross them?

This conference proposes to jump over, perforate, cross, and tear down walls. It invites us to transgress academic hermeticism in order to overcome isolation and promote reflection on intellectual work, its social dimension and its relationship with the public. Through original investigations, we hope to discuss limits and their forms, whether they be self-imposed or constructed, and strategies to overcome these limits.

In order to approach these issues, we seek to reflect on the following themes, without limiting ourselves to them:

  • Language of the wall and walls of language
  • Points of departure for outlining walls
  • Public engagement or “just another brick in the wall”
  • Glotopolitics and other sociolinguistic challenges
  • Contemporary language mapping
  • Multilinguism and the preservation of languages
  • Translation, demolitions and acculturations
  • Identity, immigration and culture
  • lntertextuality/intermediality/interdisciplinarity
  • Walls and coloniality
  • Gender/Género/Genre walls
  • Bodies and walls
  • Jumping over walls in performing practices
  • Social networks: the virtual wall
  • Walls and urban practices

The doctoral students of the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York invite you to submit abstracts (250 words) to [email protected] before 01/15/2017. In the body of the email, please include your name, contact information, academic affiliation and any needed audiovisual equipment. Your presentations are limited to a maximum of 20 minutes and can be presented in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Sep 16

CFP: LL Journal’s Volume 11, Number 2

Call for Papers: LL Journal’s Volume 11, Number 2

Deadline for submission: October 3, 2016

The LL Journal is a publication of the students of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages PhD program at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Find out more about the LL Journal and browse their most recent issue (Vol. 11, No. 1) and archives on their Commons site.



LL Journal recibe trabajos originales, escritos en español, inglés o portugués, sobre literatura, estudios culturales, visuales y de género, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística, que se relacionen con los mundos hispanos y luso-brasileños.

Para nuestra sección temática recibimos artículos, piezas de creación (narrativa y poesía), entrevistas y reseñas bajo el lema: “¿Post?nación: identidades, fracturas y desplazamientos.”

Todos los trabajos deberán respetar las orientaciones propuestas en las Directrices para autores y se enviarán al siguiente correo electrónico: lljournal [dot] cuny [at] gmail [dot] com.

Para mantener el anonimato durante el proceso de selección, se requiere indicar los datos personales en el cuerpo del correo electrónico y no en el archivo adjunto que contiene el artículo. Los autores seleccionados serán notificados en un plazo no mayor a dos meses.

LL Journal es una publicación coordinada por las y los estudiantes del Programa Doctoral de Lenguas y Literaturas Hispánicas y Luso-Brasileñas. CUNY, The Graduate Center, Nueva York.

Aug 16

SSOFT: The Linguist’s Kitchen

This is the final HLBLL blog feature in Summer Series on Fall Teaching (SSOFT). We hope that our brief writeups and links to resources in the CUNY world and beyond have helped you prepare for the upcoming semester of teaching in CUNY.

This week, SSOFT features The Linguist’s Kitchen.

Past SSOFT features:

Open Educational Resources
The Graduate Center’s Teaching and Learning Center
Free course sites and Social Paper: OpenCUNY, The CUNY Academic Commons, and Social Paper
Resource Repositories: CUNY Syllabus Project, CUNY Academic Works

The Linguist’s Kitchen

Ian Phillips, PhD candidate in Linguistics at the Graduate Center, developed The Linguist’s Kitchen with the support of the New Media Lab and a Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant. The application will be launched shortly. Ahead of its launch, creator Ian Phillips shared a bit about how The Linguist’s Kitchen came to be and how CUNY instructors and students might use it in the classroom. Read our interview below.


The Linguist's KitchenThe site is called “The Linguist’s Kitchen.” So what does it mean to “cook” data?

If you go out there and collect linguistic data in the world, that’s a bit messy, you need to clean it up. So the idea is that [using The Linguist’s Kitchen] you can cook it up, clean it up. In linguistics, cooked data will allow you to learn something, come to a generalization.

Could you tell me a bit about how you came up with the idea for the Linguist’s Kitchen? Why do you think it’s a helpful application?

At the time I was in the ITP [Instructional Technology and Pedagogy certificate] program and also teaching a course at City College called Languages and Dialects in Cross-Cultural Perspective. I was teaching this course and most of the students had never thought about language as a system, something that could be analyzed for something other than meaning. One of the important parts of the course is talking about syntax and how all languages have syntax. But we didn’t get really deep because it was introductory. We talked about syntactic constituents and identified phrase structure rules. And the students had a hard time with that because there are so many ways to analyze a sentence.

The other part of it, I had 41 students in that class and there were something like 29 different languages spoken by students in the class. So we talked about how what makes a dialect different than a “standard” language is perception. “Standard” languages are spoken by people in power. And homework examples [for this class] would focus on dominant, standard languages, but you wouldn’t do a lot of work analyzing those other languages that students spoke and most of the students who spoke non-standard language varieties (of English or Spanish mostly) also didn’t have a high opinion of their own language. They viewed these languages as “broken” or “incorrect.”

So the idea was, since all languages have rules, why can’t we analyze their own language practices. That was the motivation [for this site], and maybe it will help student engagement because they are analyzing their own languages. They are the experts.

How do you expect to see The Linguist’s Kitchen being used in classrooms?

Test groups thought that even just a portion of this site, like identifying parts of speech of a sentence, would be great for some classes. A recurring theme is that it would be good to use in conjunction with classroom instruction. It’s not quite at the point where the students can just go at it alone.

It can be used for students to analyze their own languages, but a good starting point would be to have instructors give students lists of sentences to be analyzed that they know would work out well.

This interface also would be good to analyze sentences where there is code switching, which a lot of students are interested in.

It could also be used for any course where you’re teaching anything about language learning. Sometimes students come in and don’t know the parts of speech.

I’d like to emphasize that this was an experiment in pedagogy, and I really just wanted to see if this could improve teaching and learning in the classroom.


As tips for use of The Linguist’s Kitchen in your classroom, Ian also adds that while the end goal is to have instructor and student roles, and possibly even a researcher interface, at this point the site will be most beneficial for student learning if paired with classroom instruction and if students are given curated sentences to “cook.”

If you choose to use The Linguist’s Kitchen in your classroom this fall, Ian appreciates feedback on how you and your students use the site, and on any bugs you find.

Feb 16

CFP: “Forging Linguistic Identities” at Towson University

Forging Linguistic Identities

a conference of

The Department of Foreign Languages
Towson University

Conference Dates: March 16-18, 2017
Location: Towson University; Towson, Maryland
Keynote: Dr. Jennifer Leeman, Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at George Mason University and Research Sociolinguist at the US Census Bureau
Deadline for Abstracts: October 1, 2016

The information below has been provided by the conference organizers:

The conference seeks to examine language as socially embedded within historical and geographical contexts.   Possible topics might include, but not be limited to:

  • Dialects/diglossia and their role in group identity formation
  • The standardization of national and/or majority language(s) and its impact on national or regional politics
  • Multi-lingualism in states and regions and its negotiation and practice by the communities of use.
  • Use(s) of indigenous languages under transnational states
  • National reception of dialect/minority-language literature and verbal culture
  • Migration
  • Translation studies

The scope of the conference is not limited by region, language, or time period.  Proposals involving languages taught by the Department of Foreign Languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Ancient Greek, Biblical and Modern Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) are especially encouraged.  Proposals are welcomed across disciplines, from scholars of languages and literatures, education, geography, history, psychology and sociology.  Please send an abstract of 250 words by email to: Prof. George McCool (gmccool [at] towson [dot] edu).  Please include your name, full address, institution affiliation, day telephone, fax and email address.  Please note that Conference papers must be limited to 20 minutes.

Faculty at all ranks are encouraged to participate. We will offer discounted hotel rooms near campus, and a graduated scale of conference fees.


Feb 16

CFP: Symposium on Language & the Sustainable Development Goals

A Symposium on Language and the Sustainable Development Goals

Organized by:
The Study Group on Language at the United Nations in cooperation with
The Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems
and the Center for Applied Linguistics 


Date: Thursday, April 21, 2016.  1:00-5:00pm
Location: Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Deadline for proposals: February 29, 2016.

The following information was provided by symposium organizers. Find our more on their website: www.languageandtheun.org

Proposals for short 10- or 20-minute presentations or panel discussions should focus on the following themes:

  • Language & Poverty
  • Language & Healthcare
  • Language, Education & Gender
  • Language, Infrastructure & Inclusivity
  • Language, Sustainability & Environment
  • Language & Global Partnerships

For more information and examples of more specific prompts, contact sustainabilityandlanguage [at] gmail [dot] com.

Sustainable Development Goals:

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN General Assembly (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/) for the period 2015-2030 replace the eight Millennium Development Goals that covered the period 2000-2015. They aim to engage not only governments, but “all people, everywhere,” at all levels of civil society. Carrying them out will require active, two-way, democratic communication, in a multiplicity of languages. Furthermore, several of the Goals imply direct attention to issues of language. Study and research on language in relation to economic and social development is a well-established field that does not always receive the attention it merits. What does this field have to contribute to the realization of the SDGs? What linguistic obstacles stand in the way of their successful realization.


If you are interested in participating, submit a one paragraph description of your planned 10- or 20-minute presentation or panel discussion on the topic to [email protected] by February 29. Once accepted, a more detailed description of the presentation or panel should be sent by March 31.

Specific prompts include but are not limited to:

Language & Poverty

  • How does language factor in poverty, socioeconomic identity, and economic mobility?
  • What communicative issues have arisen in the implementation of sustainable and healthy food systems, including production, consumption, and security?
  • How can language policy aid in the reduction of inequality, especially as it relates to the treatment of linguistic minorities?

Language & Healthcare

  • What initiatives have been successful or not so successful in administering healthcare to individuals who do not speak the local language in cities, refugee camps, and elsewhere?

Language, Education & Gender

  • What role do monoglot ideologies play in preventing access to education, especially for adult learners? How can larger scale education on the realities of multilingualism impact adults who are isolated or dependant on younger family members for access to resources?
  • Do access to language education and sociolinguistic issues involving home-language usage disproportionately affect women and girls? If so, how do these issues prevent gender equality?
  • In what ways do language-of-instruction and language-education policies affect career-readiness?

Language, Infrastructure & Inclusivity

  • How does media discourse impact community organizing attempts by underserved communities (often tied to racialization), as in the case of Flint?
  • How can processes of industrialization and infrastructure-building leverage linguistic and cultural heterogeneity as an asset to promote a more inclusive and innovative future?
  • In order to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, what linguistic infrastructure must be available to residents so that all, including those who only speak minority languages, may participate in helping achieve those goals?

Language, Sustainability & Environment

  • When educating consumers, manufacturers and retailers about sustainable consumption and production patterns, what cultural and linguistic hurdles will be faced? How might these hurdles affect legislation and enforcement of sustainability issues.
  • Residents of areas under the jurisdiction of environmental legislation sometimes feel an infringement on their personal freedoms, often leading to costly and ineffective top-down enforcement protocols. Could a more inclusive atmosphere of communication lead to better local enforcement?

Language & Global Partnerships

  • The implementation of a global partnership for sustainable development requires in-depth two-way communications, many times through translation. How have one-way translation methods for the dissemination of policy failed to adequately apply global policy to local needs.

Feb 16

CFP: LL Journal’s Vol. 11, No. 1

Call for Papers: LL Journal’s Volume 11, Number 1

Deadline for submission: March 13, 2016

The information below was provided by the editorial team of the LL Journal, a publication of the students of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages PhD program at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Find out more about the LL Journal and browse their most recent issue (Vol. 10, No. 1) and archives on their Commons site.

LL Journal CFP Spring 2016

LL Journal los invita a colaborar en su nuevo número (mayo 2016). Requerimos artículos sobre literatura, estudios culturales y de género, lingüística aplicada, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística, que se encuentren en estrecha relación con los mundos hispanos y luso- brasileños. Este número contará con una sección especial (Boundaries) en torno a las nociones de margen, liminalidad, periferia y descentramiento. Los animamos a que envíen artículos vinculados a esta línea de reflexión, pero recordamos que la temática de la revista es siempre abierta.

Todos los trabajos deberán respetar las orientaciones propuestas en las Directrices para autores y se enviarán al siguiente correo electrónico: lljournal [dot] cuny [at] gmail [dot] com.

Para mantener el anonimato durante el proceso de selección, se requiere indicar los datos personales en el cuerpo del correo electrónico y no en el archivo adjunto que contiene el artículo. Los autores seleccionados serán notificados en un plazo no mayor a dos meses.

LL Journal es una publicación coordinada por las y los estudiantes del Programa Doctoral de Lenguas y Literaturas Hispánicas y Luso-Brasileñas. CUNY, The Graduate Center, Nueva York.


Nov 15

Alumna Luana Ferreira Named 2015-17 Empire State Fellow!

Congratulations to Luana Y. Ferreira, PhD, a 2014 graduate of our program!

luana ferreiraLuana has been named a 2015-17 Empire State Fellow! The fellowship program selects 10 professionals to train with top State government officials for careers as future policy-makers. Luana will be placed with the New York State Department of State for her fellowship’s tenure.

Over the course of her career, Luana has been committed to education. She is a former New York City Teaching Fellow and received her M.S. Ed. from City College, CUNY. While a student at the Graduate Center, she also worked as a research assistant on a project focused on developing diagnostic tools for measuring proficiencies of immigrant students in urban settings at the GC’s Research Institute for the Study of Language in Urban Society (RISLUS).

Luana’s dissertation is titled “Densidad léxica en la prensa hispana de EE.UU. e Hispanoamérica: Un estudio comparativo” and was supervised by Professor Ricardo Otheguy.

Oct 15

CFP: GRAPHSY 2016, Georgetown University

“Herencia y Tradición: Looking back, Moving forward”

9th annual GRAPHSY (Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium)

Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University

Conference Dates: February 26-27, 2016

Keynote Speakers: Román de la Campa (University of Pennsylvania) and Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Deadline for Abstracts: November 30, 2015

From the organizers:

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Georgetown University is pleased to announce the 9th annual Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY), welcoming proposals within the theme Herencia y Tradición: Looking back, Moving forward and encouraging research in the fields of Linguistics and Iberian and Latin American Literature/Culture. This year the conference provides a forum both for research that honors traditional frameworks of investigation and for research that breaks free from these customs to pursue a new perspective. GRAPHSY 2016’s theme will pay tribute to the academic heritage established by great minds of years past, but also examine how convention for convention’s sake can impede the progress of these fields. We also invite proposals examining how herencia and tradición play a role in the literary movements and linguistic phenomena of today, with the goal of better understanding how our past plays a role in our present. 

We welcome presentations and works in progress related to, but not limited to the following topics:

* Dialogue between the past and present
* Adaptations and revisions
* (Post)colonial (re-)readings
* Pop culture in dialogue with the canon
* Tensions in Latin American and/or Peninsular Literature
* The Transatlantic focus as a space for negotiation and change
* Post-national literatures
* Cultural representation in visual arts
* Borders, diaspora and travel writings
* The study/strengths/challenges of translation
* Narratives of social justice
* Marginal and periphery literatures
* Intermediality: Textual/Visual/Audio

* Bilingualism / Multilingualism
* Heritage languages
* Linguistic policy and practice
* Language contact and negotiation between languages and culture
* Minority languages of Latin America/the Iberian Peninsula
* Language and technology
* Historical linguistics
* Language acquisition (L1, L2, L3, etc.)
* Language attrition
* Connections between research and pedagogy
* Immersion/study abroad
* Psycholinguistics
* Cognitive linguistics
* Theoretical linguistics
* Discourse analysis

Find out more about the conference on the GRAPHSY site

Oct 15

CFP: University of Arizona’s 26th Annual Symposium

Crossroad Talks: Culture, Identity, Language and Literature in Active Contact Zones

26th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture

University of Arizona

Location: Arizona Historical Society Museum in Tucson, Arizona

Conference Dates: February 25-27, 2016 ​

Keynote Speakers: William Nericcio (San Diego State University) and Jennifer Leeman (George Mason University)

Submission Deadline for Presentation or Poster abstracts (250 words), and Panel Proposals (100 words with an abstract for each of 3-5 participants) is November 15, 2015.


Find out more on the Symposium site 

Inquiries: [email protected]

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