Sep 15

CFP: LL Journal Volume 10, Number 2

The newest edition of the LL Journal will be coming out in December, 2015. Their call for papers is below. Keep up-to-date with the Journal by following them on Twitter and on Facebook.

Volumen 10 Número 2



LL Journal  los invita a colaborar en su nuevo número (diciembre 2015). Requerimos artículos sobre literatura, estudios culturales y de género, lingüística aplicada, lingüística teórica y sociolingüística, que se encuentren en estrecha relación con los mundos hispanos y luso- brasileños.

Todos los trabajos deberán respetar las orientaciones propuestas en las Directrices para autores (https://lljournal.commons.gc.cuny.edu/directrices-es/) y enviados al siguiente correo electrónico: [email protected].

Para mantener el anonimato durante el proceso de selección, se requiere indicar los datos personales en el cuerpo del correo electrónico y no en el archivo adjunto que contiene el artículo. Los autores seleccionados serán notificados en un plazo no mayor a cuatro semanas.

LL Journal es una publicación coordinada por las y los estudiantes del Programa Doctoral de Lenguas y Literaturas Hispánicas y Luso-Brasileñas. CUNY, The Graduate Center, Nueva York.


Aug 15

CFP: Stanford’s Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages Conference

Intersections: Technology and Literatures, Cultures and Languages

Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages at Stanford University

Deadline for Abstracts: September 4, 2015

Conference Dates:November 6-7, 2015

Conference Location:Palo Alto, California

Stanford CFP


Apr 15

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Student Conference is April 24th and 25th

Relocating Identities, Theories, and Languages

The 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the PhD Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages


20th Annual Student Conference Poster

HLBLL’s 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference is Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th, 2015.

The Graduate Center, CUNY.
365 Fifth Ave.
NYC, NY 10016

Keynote speakers:

Dr. Idelber Avelar (Tulane University) “Brazilian transitional justice, indigenous struggles, and the Amazon” (Friday, April 24, Segal Theater, 6pm)
Dr. Jonathan Rosa (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) “Languages and Identities Beyond Borders” (Saturday, April 25th, Room 5414, 2:45pm)
View the complete conference program here.

The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Annual Student Conference is celebrating 20 years of excellence in graduate student scholarly work.


Many thanks to the conference organizing team for their dedication in creating an extraordinary 20th year:
José Chavarry
Ulises Gonzales
Luis Henao Uribe
Kristina Jacobs
Inés Vañó García
Sara Cordón
John Flanagan

Apr 15

Fall 2015 Course Listings



SPAN 70100 – El español como objeto de interés histórico
GC: Tuesday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. del Valle

SPAN 70200 – Hispanic Critical & Cultural Theory
GC: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Zavala

SPAN 70500 – Spanish Syntax
GC: Tuesday, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Otheguy
(cross-listed with LING 79100)

SPAN 87000 – Neo-Baroque Continuities & Ruptures in Cuban & Mexican Literatures
GC: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Riobó

SPAN 87100 – In-Between Worlds & Tradition: Rereading the “Crónicas de Indias”
GC: Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Chang-Rodríguez

SPAN 87200 – The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar and Guillermo del Toro
GC: Wednesday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Smith

SPAN 87300 – Políticas de la Lengua y Culturas de Transición en España (1975-2015)
GC: Friday, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. José del Valle & Prof. Germán Labrador

SPAN 87400 – Asaltos a la biblioteca: Scenes of Reading in Latin America
GC: Monday, 4:15-6:15 p.m., Rm. TBA, 3 credits, Prof. Degiovanni


SPAN 87200 – Reflexiones en torno a una piedra
GC: Monday, 10/5/2015 – Thursday, 10/8/2015, 1:30-4:00 p.m.,
Rm. 4116.18, 1 credit, Prof. Bernardo Atxaga (Atxaga Chair)

SPAN 87200 – Economia política, estructura de la comunicación y sociolingüistica del Catalán
GC: Monday, 9/28/2015, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, 9/29/2015, 11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m., Wednesday, 9/30/2015 & Thursday, 10/1/2015, 1:30-4:00 p.m.
Rm. 4116.18, 1 credit, Prof. Toni Molla (Rodoreda Chair)


SPAN 88800 – Dissertation Workshop
GC: Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Rm. TBA, 0 credit, Prof. Degiovanni

Dec 14

CFP: University of Arizona’s 25th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium

“Memory, Resistance, and Social Communication past to present”

Deadline for Submissions: January 13, 2015

Conference Dates: February 26, 27, and 28, 2015

Conference Location: University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Anthony Geist (University of Washington), Dr. José Camacho (Rutgers University)

From the Symposium Committee:

The Symposium Committee is pleased to invite all interested graduate students, scholars and professionals to submit abstracts and panel proposals for the 25th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. This year the Symposium Committee is honored to welcome Dr. Anthony Geist from the University of Washington and Dr. Jose Camacho from Rutgers University as keynote speakers.

As we explore memory, resistance, and social communication from various perspectives and disciplines, the Symposium Committee encourages the submission of papers and panels on a variety of topics and disciplines that explore language, literature, linguistics, protest, and culture. Submissions from the fields of literatures and cultures, linguistics, the digital humanities, and pedagogy are invited from all periods and areas of Iberian, Spanish-American, Latin American, and Luso-Brazilian studies. The committee will also consider panel proposals for sessions organized around a specific topic. Short-films and creative pieces, including digital works, authored by the presenters themselves are also welcome. Papers may be presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Paper Proposals: Please submit an abstract of approximately 250 words in English, Spanish, or Portuguese via email as an attachment to [email protected] by January 13, 2015.

Panel Proposals: Please submit a description of the panel focus in 100 words or less, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, as well as an abstract from the individual panel participants via email as an attachment to [email protected] by January 13, 2015. Panels should have 3-5 participants.

In the body of the email, please specify your name, phone number, e-mail, title of the presentation, academic affiliation, and if audiovisual equipment will be needed for your presentation. Reading time of final papers is limited to 20 minutes (6-8 double-spaced pages). No papers will be read in absentia.

Acceptance will be confirmed no later than January 23, 2014. Registration is $30 and must be paid on-site. In addition, we encourage you to visit our website for more information: http://symposium.spanish.arizona.edu

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