Looking for the perfect last-minute gift for your friends or your family? This season, choose from one of three new publications featuring the outstanding scholarship and hard work of the HLBLL community, and give them the gift of erudition.

LL Journal’s Editorial Illustration by Belén Paredes.
What: The LL Journal (Volume 11, Number 2)
The details: The LL Journal is a publication of the students of the PhD program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages featuring scholarly articles, interviews, and reviews from the realms of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies on topics ranging from applied linguistics to literature to the visual arts. Recently, the LL Journal has included a section devoted to original creative works.
This issue of the LL Journal includes the work of three HLBLL students: Lorena Paz López published a review of Museo del consumo. Archivos de la cultura de masas en Argentina by Graciela Montaldo; Natalia Castro’s review of Space and the Memories of Violence. Landscapes of Erasure, Disappearance and Exception edited by Estela Schindel and Pamela Colombo is also available; and Ernesto Cuba logs an interview with Mariel Acosta titled “Agitando lo cotidiano. Una conversación sobre el desafío Ⓐnarquista frente al sexismo en el lenguaje.”
The best part? The LL Journal is completely open access, meaning that its excellent scholarship is available for free!
What: Dramatized Societies: Quality Television in Spain and Mexico, by Paul Julian Smith
The details: HLBLL’s distinguished professor and prolific scholar, Dr. Paul Julian Smith, studies television series from the past decade–from Spain’s Física o química to Mexico’s XY–as a lens for understanding the two countries’ national narratives.
Now available: Dramatized Societies is available in hard cover from Oxford University Press (US) or Liverpool University Press (UK).
What: Filosofía y culturas hispánicas: nuevas perspectivas, edited by Nuria Morgado and Rolando Pérez.
The details: This new book is not only edited by two Graduate Center professors (Nuria Morgado, College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center; Rolando Pérez, Hunter College and the Graduate Center), but the publication also contains chapters by several others from the Graduate Center community:
Professor Linda Martín Alcoff (Philosophy, Women’s Studies; Hunter College and the Graduate Center)
Professor William Childers (Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center)
Professor Silvia Dapía (John Jay College and the Graduate Center
HLBLL alumnus Dr. Adrián Izquierdo (Hunter College)
HLBLL alumnus Dr. José Antonio Losada-Montero (Southwest Minnesota State University)
our most recent HLBLL alumna–who defended her dissertation last month!–Dr. Laura Sández
HLBLL alumnus Dr. Marcos Wasem (Purdue University)
and Professor Oswaldo Zavala (College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center)
Now available: Filosofía y culturas hispánicas: nuevas perspectivas was published last month and is now available on Amazon.